Thursday 28 November 2013

 Kazira Orphans in Uganda
Volunteer's testimony

TANIA WALKER (Volunteer)
From Canada

Charles has been working very hard for a noble cause. We are proud of Charles and his continuous dedication. We met him at the inception of this project that only continues to be more beneficial to the community. However in order to reach its full potential and help the children, community and society as a whole by giving, we need to lend out a hand and contribute as much as we can. Any help helps!!! Thank you for your kindness. Tania, Volunteer for the project.

1 comment:

  1. Are planning a safari to East Africa especially Uganda and Rwanda to see mountain gorillas and other safaris in this season?
    You're more than welcome to use Magic Wildlife Safaris in Uganda.
    Please, visit our website for details and make your booking straight a way.
    We can't wait to drive you around and travelling with Magic Wildlife Safaris, success is a must.
